

This high end model machine supports the latest functions that support various production types flexibly on an advanced platform.

This machine is strong in flexible production such as NPI support for starting new production quickly and immediate support for production type change with batch changeover.

(1) Further expanded capability

Even though the machine size is compact, it is also flexible and a wide range of production operation is possible with the machine’s extensive capacity.

Placement heads that demonstrate strong capability in production Greater support for large panels Minimize changeover with large capacity part supply units On-machine functions for full production

(2) High quality placement

Always maintain correct placement by checking the conditions of electronic parts and panels using real time sensing technology and then reflecting check results to the machine. This maintains stable placement quality.

Offers with ±25 µm high accuracy placement as standard Not affected by changes in the surface height Checks for tombstoned, missing, and upside-down parts Prevents defects associated with part properties

(3) The fastest in the history of the series

Achieves the fastest placement speed in the history of the series by using advanced XY robots with linear motors. Even greater improvements in area productivity can be expected.

(4) Stable operation

Support for production that enables non-stop operation and quick recovery. This can help minimize line stoppage, improving operation rates.

Towards non-stop production Automatic, easy, and reliable maintenance offline

(5) SDGs

The machine power consumption has been reduced by 10%* by using highly efficient motors. We are also reviewing our coating processes and efforts are being made to reduce the environmental impact. * Measured under conditions at Fuji. Sample machine configurations • High speed placement of small chip parts Production method: Dual lane production* Supported panel size: 48 x 48mm to 1,068 x 280mm Supported part size: 0201 (008004″) to 7 x 7 mm, height: 6.5 mm * Under development • Placement for medium to large parts and odd-form parts Production method: Single lane production Supported panel size: 48 x 48mm to 1,068 x 610mm Supported part size: 0402 (01005″) to 180 x 35 mm*, height: 38.1 mm * Maximum part sizes include 135 x 120, 175 x 50, and 167 x 74 mm in addition to the above.